Nestled between Auguston and Lower Ten Oaks is the Upper Ten Oaks neighborhood. Based on livability scores, Upper Ten Oaks is considered to be one of the best neighborhoods in the city. In particular, it is termed the best option for families, specially because of the welcoming atmosphere, peaceful streets, and kind neighbors. Most people that live here are young, while more than half of the families have young children. The houses here are mostly single-family homes with big yards and plenty of vegetation.
There are a lot of things in this neighborhood, and it strikes the right balance between urban convenience and rural appeal. This quiet and attractive area is nestled against the foothills of the Sumas Mountains and promises easy access to facilities, a strong sense of community, and stunning views.
The residents here live very peaceful lives and enjoy the numerous relaxation and recreation options available in the area. In fact, its proximity to nature is one of the biggest attractions—you’re constantly surrounded by gorgeous farmland, rich forests and sloping hills. And in addition to enjoying the natural beauty of the area, you can even fish in the surrounding streams and lakes or trek nearby. Hiking areas are also plenty, with two of the most famous ones being the Bassani Trail and the Frog Lake.
Even though Upper Ten Oaks is more of a rural area, all the facilities in downtown Abbotsford are easy to reach. There are major roads that connect the area, so reaching entertainment centers, restaurants, cafés, or shopping malls isn’t difficult. There are many local establishments in the area as well, like specialty shops, cafés, and restaurants.
This is also a great place for parents to raise their children. There are numerous secondary and elementary schools in the area, like the Prince Charles Elementary School. There are daycare options, too, including the Grand Kids Care day care center. And of course, there are several parks, like the McKee Creek Park and McKinley Park, that offer recreational facilities for the whole family.
There’s also a golf course in the area, along with options for other leisure activities.
Next in this series of points of interest in Abbotsford of BC, you can learn about Clearbrook.